Amon Hen by EA
The ruins of Amon Hen lie on the west side of the river Anduin on the border of the lands of Rohan.
Andrast by Rimli
The southwest border of Gondor between the Bay of Belfalas and the Great Sea.
Angmar by Steve Campen (High Elven Lord)
Of old, this was the realm of the Witch-king, but was deserted and is now a dark and barren land.
Barrow Downs by m@tt
These ancient burial grounds were a peaceful land until evil spirits were sent down from Angmar to occupy the burial mounds.
Bridge of Khazad-dum by m@tt
Between the Halls of Moria and the Dimrill Stairs, there is a deep abyss spanned by the Bridge of Khazad-dûm
Caradhras by m@tt
One of the three Mountains of Moria, the Redhorn has a cruel reputation and its pass is narrow and dangerous.
Dimrill Dale by m@tt
A rocky yet forested valley east of the Misty Mountains that surrounds the Mirrormere.
Dorwinion by m@tt
The wine that comes from the vineyards on these hills are a favourite of the King of Mirkwood.
Dwarrowdelf by m@tt
These vast and beautiful halls were once the greatest of the Dwarven realms, but are now infested by goblins and trolls
Edoras by EA
Edoras is the city of the Rohirrim, built upon a great mound. It's Golden Hall is home to King Theoden of Rohan.
Eregion by Lex Flores
Once home to the Elven-smiths who forged the Rings of Power, but has become overgrown and ruined since.
Ettenmoors by Hawk10314
These rocky highlands are unsuitable for even the most sure-footed of horses and are invested with trolls.
Falls of Rauros by §Tattoo§
The huge waterfall on the river Anduin, near the ruins of Amon Hen and east of the lands of Rohan.
Far Harad by Saurons Mund
These rocky deserts have not been seen by the men of the west for many years.
Forochel by m@tt
Passing through the icy bays of Forochel is a perilous journey with freezing winds and tall cliff faces of ice.
Gollum's Cave by m@tt
For many centuries, the One Ring corrupted Gollum in these underground lakes.
Green Hill Country by Amroth
A region of hills north of the Shire, home to the Great Smials, the ancestral home of the Tooks.
Grey Mountains by m@tt, base version by Lost_Hawk
These mountains in the Wilderland have been home to dragons in the past, but are now empty after many battles.
Harnen by Saurons Mund
A river on the border between Harad and South Gondor that is crossed by the Harad Road.
Helm's Deep by EA
This great keep has proven a refuge for the people of Rohan in the past. No orc has ever set foot inside the the Hornburg.
Isengard by EA
The Ring of Isengard was given to Saruman the White, who betrayed the Council and turned it into a fortress of evil.
Khand by m@tt
Khand is a dry and barren land in the south whose many tribes have pledged alligience to Sauron.
Lamedon by FoeHammer
A semi-mountainous region just south of the White Mountains and one of the Southern Fiefdoms of the realm of Gondor.
Lithlad by Steve Campen (High Elven Lord)
A great ashy plain that lies to the east of Barad-dur in Mordor.
Lothlorien by EA
Lothlórien is the forest surrounding the elven city of Caras Galadhon, home to the powerful elven queen Galadriel.
Minas Morgul by m@tt, buildings by GothmogtheOrc
The once proud city of Minas Ithil was over-run by the Nazgûl and is now a place of fear and great evil.
Minas Tirith by EA
The city of Anorien sits on seven levels against Mount Mindolluin and is ruled over by the Stewards of Gondor.
Mountains of Mirkwood by m@tt
A range of high hills in the dense forest of Mirkwood, from which the Enchanted Streams flows down.
Old Ford of Anduin by m@tt
The Anduin flows south between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, and the ford is part of the Old Forest Road.
Rhudaur by S@uron2000
These lands were once controlled by the forces of Angmar, but are now deserted.
Shelob's Lair by EA
In the caves above Minas Morgul, the daughter of Ungoliant feeds on the orcs that come down from Cirith Ungol.
South Rhun by Dennis Agodzo
The Wainriders of Rhun came to dwell in these dusty lands east of Mordor and formed allegiances with Khand and Harad.
Swanfleet by White Nazgul
The swamps and wetlands east of the ruins of Tharbad are home to many swans.
Vales of Celduin by SnoopyZero
The River Running flows down from the Lonely Mountain and is joined by many tributaries on its way to the Sea of Rhun.
Weathertop by m@tt
This was once the proud tower of Amon Sûl, but became ruined after the evil from Angmar attacked the northern lands.