Sneak Peek Archive Janaury 18th |  | Moria Cave | Janaury 11th |  | Erebor Castle | Janaury 4th |  | Monument to Durin the Deathless | November 9th |  | The Carrock | November 9th |  | Lurtz | October 5th |  | Fords of Bruinen | August 31st |  | Erebor Craftsman | July 13th |  | Lake Evendim | July 6th |  | Dale Inn | June the 29th |  | Old Ford of Anduin | June the 25th |  | Gimli |
June the 15th |  | Khand |
April 20th |  | The Bridge of Khazad-dum |
April 13th | | Thorin III Stonehelm | March 31th | | Burk-Khazad Cheer animations | March 17th | | Gollum's Cave | March 9th | | Erebor Siege Master | March 2nd | | Dale Royal Fletcher | February 24th | | Khazad Guard | February 17th | | Dunlending Camp | February 10th | | Barrow Downs | February 3rd | | Grima Wormtongue | January 27th | | Minas Tirith | January 20th | | Dale Watchhouse, Swordsman's Guild and Marksman's Guild | December 30th | | Finished Maps List | December 16th | | Spearman Animations | December 9th | | Iron Guard Banner Carrier | December 2nd | | Rivendell Cavalry | November 25th | | For Gondor! | November 18th | | Dwarrowdelf | November 11th | | Iron Hills Encampment | November 4th | | Erebor Camp Wall Upgrades | October 28st | | Dol Amroth Barracks and the Pass of Caradhras | October 21st | | Armourer's Guild | October 14th | | Updated Theme and Battle Music for Harad | October 8th | | Weathertop and The Vales of Celduin | September 30th | | Erebor Elder Hall | September 23rd | | Erebor Camp and upgrades | September 16th | | Ered Luin Venturers | September 9th | | Eregion & Angmar | September 2nd | | Dale Watch House | August 26th |  | Khazad Baraz-Sharu | August 19th |  | Harad Raider and Market Place | August 12th | | The Iron Guard | August 5th | | The Tarag-Udrig | July 30th | | Ghafrid and the Harad Stables | July 23rd | | Erebor Mine | July 15th | | Dorwinion and the Mountains of Mirkwood | July 8th | | Eomer and the Dale Heavy Spearsman | June 29th | | Animations for the Great Beast and the Woodsman, as well as a render of Dwarf weaponry. | June 24th | | 2 map screenshots, showing the Dimrill Dale and the Grey Mountains | June 17th | | Four animations - one of a Dwarven Captain and three of Thranduil. | June 11th | | The revamped Great Beast of Mordor | June 4th | | The Erebor Smithy | May 27th | | The vicious Uruk-Hai Scouts, and three animations for the Castellan of Dol Guldur. | May 20th | | The Dale Royal Warden and a Hero of Rohan, Elfhelm. | May 12th | | Gloin of Erebor and a Corsair from Umbar. | May 6th | | Weathertop | April 29th | | Animations for the Marchwardens and Aithran | |