A prominent member of the White Council, second of the Istari, Order of the Wizards, leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and friend, counselor and ally to all of the Free Peoples, Gandalf’s deeds of guidance and heroism are known throughout Middle-earth, even to the far South. Called Mithrandir (the Grey Pilgrim) by the Elves and Gondorians, the Wizard has many names and titles, but is frequently referred to as Gandalf the Grey. Sent with four others of his kind to Middle-earth by the Valar, Gandalf remains the most loyal and reliable to his task. Though merry enough at times, the Wizard has been known to be quick of temper when the need arose. Already a powerful being, the Grey Wanderer was given the Red Ring Narya upon his arrival at the Grey Havens by Cirdan the Shipwright, which aids the wizard to ‘kindle’ the hope of those in need of it. During the Quest of Erebor, Gandalf found the sword Glamdring in a troll den, together with Bilbo/Frodo’s sword Sting and Thorin Oakenshield’s Orcrist, and has since wielded the blade throughout his travels. When rescued Saruman’s treachery at Isengard by Gwaihir and reaching the kingdom of Rohan, Gandalf met and befriended the mearas Shadowfax, and has never failed the other in their loyalty.
During the events of the Quest to Mount Doom, Gandalf defended the Fellowship in Moria against Durin’s Bane, a Balrog, falling into the abyss after destroying the Bridge of Khazad Dum. Thought dead by the rest of the Company, Gandalf fought with the Balrog for 10 days through underground lake, tunnels and the Endless Stair, ending with the Battle of the Peak on Zirak-zigil. There, the Wizard cast down the demon, only to die himself from the ordeal. His task yet incomplete, the Grey Pilgrim was resurrected as Gandalf the White, with powers surpassing Saruman, the Nazgul and perhaps even equaling the Dark Lord himself. With his new form, the White Rider expelled the traitor Saruman as head of the White Council and Istari and oversaw the chief battles of the War of the Ring.
The Ruling Steward of Gondor during the War of the Ring and father of Boromir and Faramir, Denethor is a ruler wise, able and farsighted. A man proud and valiant that in his youth rivaled the capabilities and nobility of Thorongil, the son of Ecthelion is known to have probed the Dark Lord’s strength through the White Tower’s palantir, the effect of which (coupled with the grief of his wife’s death) has aged the Steward prematurely and driven him slightly mad with despair, retaining however, an air of command and power that while not all of the Steward’s orders seem to be rational, are nevertheless heeded by his followers and Gondor’s people. Descended from the House of Hurin, Denethor bears a grim and silent disposition, preferring to test the mind and will of his opposition, and though aged beyond his years, is still very much capable of bearing the sword and mail on his own account. Seldom does the Lord of Minas Tirith leave the fortifications of his city, and even rarer still does Denethor journey to the field of battle, but at these occasions he is escorted by a full company of the city’s elite Citadel Guards.
Eldest son of Denethor, brother to Faramir and heir to the stewardship of Gondor, Boromir resembles his father in everyway except in mind and insight. Honourable, noble and beyond a doubt proud of the greatness of his kingdom, Boromir is beloved and renowned not only in Gondor but also throughout western Middle-earth. Earning the titles of Captain-general and High Warden of the White Tower, Boromir is a strong warrior and a capable commander, a man who would defend his country and people to the very end. As the eldest son of the Lord Steward of Gondor, Boromir is the possessor of the Horn of Gondor, an ancient heirloom of Vorondil the Hunter that when sounded, would temporarily paralyse his enemies with fear. The Captain of Gondor is in nature an infantry leader, who would rather join his troops on the front line and usually rides on his steed only when traveling to other regions of Middle-earth. At the climax of a great battle, Boromir would at times unfurl the white Banner of the Stewards and issue deafening battlecries that would inspire the Men of Gondor to victory even at the edge of certain defeat.
A guardsman of the Third Company of the Citadel, Beregond son of Baranor is a noteworthy example of the Dunedain’s honest attribute. A skilled fighter with sword and a keen shot with a bow, having served in Ithilien prior to his promotion to Citadel Guard where he gained a great admiration and loyalty to Steward Denethor’s younger son, Faramir, Beregond would willingly defy his orders and risk his own life if it meant saving the lord Faramir, his son Bergil or his people. He later befriends and guides the Hobbit, Peregrin Took through Minas Tirith and after the War of the Ring, given the title of Captain of the White Company of Faramir at Emyn Arnen from the new King of Gondor, Aragorn Elessar.
Peregrin Took is the son and heir of Thain Paladin Took II of the Shire, a close friend of his cousins Frodo Baggins and Meriadoc Brandybuck and Samwise Gamgee, and one of the Nine Walkers of the Fellowship of the Ring. The youngest of the Company, still in his tweens and has not yet come of age, Pippin is ever the optimist. Despite the darkest of predicaments, despair never seems to take a hold of the Hobbit, not even in the clutches of Saruman’s Uruk-hai. As the heroes of the Shire have proved, quick wits, nimbleness and an indomitable spirit can win the day, no matter how small the size of the warrior. Having grown much taller together with Merry after consuming the Treebeard’s Ent-draught in Fangorn, Pippin’s confidence and valour has grown with it, up till offering his service to Denethor of Gondor, which has earned the Hafling a place amongst Minas Tirith’s Citadel Guard as well as meeting a new companion in the form of Beregond son of Baranor. A good shot with throwing stones (or any he can get), Pippin can quickly dispatch opponents from a distance, reducing the risk of a close attack. When coupled with his elven cloak, the Citadel livery of Minas Tirith and the Barrow-blade give to him by Tom Bombadil, the usually light-hearted Peregrin Took can be a force to reckon with.